Thursday, November 12, 2015

Why Bad Things Happen to Good People

This week, I really want to put my focus and attention on crisis within us individually and in the family.
So to start, why do bad things happen to good people? Is it because deep down we all have done something at some point in our lives where we deserve it? Is it because of Adam's fall, that his sin is just transferred over to us and bad things are just the repercussions?

Here's my take on it that might help someone see it in a different light.
I see it as a way of getting through trials. The Lord gives us all different circumstances and trials that we have to go through to grow and to learn from. We have to go through those things also to learn to rely on the Lord because sometimes, we can't make it through without Him. And if we do this, it will make us stronger people. You can try to see every circumstance or trial as an opportunity for test. We are on the earth as a test to exercise our faith and good works; to prove to our Heavenly Father that have learned and have worked hard to be like Him and to get back to Him.

Another reason that I think goes into it is that Adam and Eve couldn't experience the bitter so they could never enjoy the sweet. We must experience both good and bad in life in order to appreciate the good, learn to recognize it and be thankful for it, and to hopefully be able to search the good out in other situations as well.

If we go about life being spoiled enough to only experience good and no hardships, what is the point of being on this earth? What have we learned and gained?

The scriptures tell us that if we hope to become like God, we must suffer like Christ had to. Isn't Christ the ultimate example of a good person? Didn't he suffer more than any of us?

Now that isn't saying that God always puts hard things in our lives just because He can. Sometimes the Lord doesn't need to create trials for us, sometimes it is just the consequences of other's using their free agency, and the Lord lets them exercise that. But then in other scenarios He will create a trial for us to make us learn. For example, the scriptural story of God asking Abraham to sacrafice his son Isaac.

But all of these are for a reason. To help us learn, strengthen relations, become greater, make us humble and teachable, and submissive to God.
To sum it all up, I would like to share one really cool thing that I learned this week.
The Chinese characters that make up the word "crisis" mean separately:

1. Danger and 2. Opportunity

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